On July 2nd, after three years in which several thousand volunteers distributed over one and one-half million specially-printed paperbacks across America, the not-for-profit World Book Night organization sadly announced that they are suspending operations. Despite a significant financial and time commitment from publishers, writers, booksellers, librarians, printers, distributors, shippers and volunteer book givers, not enough outside financing was attained to continue the program. In an email message to supporters, World Book Night U.S. Board Chairman Michael Pietsch said, “World Book Night’s first three years have been a profound experience for everyone involved. The altruistic spirit of the givers and of industry supporters have reminded us all of the transformative impact books have on people’s lives, and of the power of a book as a gift.”
In England, where the program originated, it continues successfully. The problem in the U.S. was the cost of production, organization and distribution. American publishers had supported World Book Night by printing special copies of the two dozen giveaway books. Authors waived their royalties. Yet that was not enough to keep World Book Night U.S. in business.