Daily Archives: July 21, 2013

The Voices in My Head

If the name Evelyn Wood rings a bell, you are probably a child of the ‘60s or ‘70s. She was an English teacher who gained fame as the creator of a system to increase a reader’s speed by 200-500%. She coined the term Speed Reading and built a lucrative business around it. President Kennedy, a natural speed reader, brought her to the White House to teach his staff Speed Reading. The staffs of Presidents Ford and Carter also took her course.

I took a Speed Reading course many years ago. I failed. I tried. Really, I did. I practiced all the exercises and did increase my speed while maintaining comprehension. I used it to advantage when reading non-fiction periodicals and textbooks. But Speed Reading diminished the enjoyment I derived from reading fiction, poetry and anything written in beautifully expressive language.

A cardinal rule of speed reading is to banish the voices in our heads when we read (what scientific types refer to as subvocalization). But without the voices, I lost the pleasure of the reading experience. I could not have it both ways. I had to choose. When it comes to reading books, I welcome the voices in my head. What about you? What voices live inside your head?

Speaking of voices, come watch my Booked interview with author Al Zimbler as we laugh our way through a light-hearted half-hour, discussing his latest book, Broadway at 77th, and his previous three books. An improvisational actor who, at age 88, still has some of the clients he served for decades as a CPA, Al brings his wild and woolly wit to his humorous short stories and poems. You’ll get a taste (think corner deli or the diner down the street) of Al’s humor when his interview becomes available starting Monday, July 22nd at 8 PM (EST) at www.bookedwebcast.com.

The newest edition of Booked is shown on Watch Now and in the Archives, while all previous shows remain available in the Archives. And while you’re visiting the Booked website, check out the Book Excerpts page where you can purchase any book reviewed on my show.


Trends in retail sales of books to U.S. consumers from 2010 to 2012 showed that e-commerce (Amazon and other online booksellers) grew by 18.7% to capture 43.8% of the market. Large chains (Barnes & Noble and the like) shrank 12.8% to hold 18.7% of the market. Helped by the folding of the Borders chain, independent bookstores saw a 1.3% uptick but still represented only 3.7% of retail book sales. As singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell penned, “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone? They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot.” For many, the neighborhood independent bookstore is Paradise.

Think. Act.