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Book●ed is the brainchild of Evelyn Eman
Delmar and is recorded at FenMark studio. This internet program interviews authors and reviews selected newly released books. The debut episode aired on July 8, 2013 and new episodes of Book●ed air weekly on Mondays from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM (EST).
Chicago Library Circa 1923Chicago Library Circa 2004
Book●ed is selective about the authors and books presented on its show.
To assure viewers of quality books and quality programming, we've created a user-friendly selection process for authors to submit their work. (Whether or not your book is selected for one of
our shows, you may still arrange for website and advertising services.)
First step is to read through Evelyn's notebook.
The second step is to click on the link "Contact" which you will easily find on the last page of the notebook.
If you have any questions about Book●ed just send a quick note, click the link:
Do you want to know more about a book you've seen on one of our webcasts? Follow the Excerpts Page
where you can read an excerpt from any book we've reviewed.
Just click on a button and read more about authors and their books plus book events.